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Plus members get exclusive benefits like multiple gym access, bringing a friend 4 times a month, early class booking 14 days in advance, and unlimited sports water. That's not all; some gyms have extra perks like unlimited Sports Water, massage chairs and body composition scans. Check your gym's homepage to see what perks are available.
Join PureGym and select Plus when you sign up.

Already a member? Upgrade your existing membership to Plus.

All the benefits of a Core membership and more:

Multiple gym access

Use other gyms at the same Core price as yours. For example, if the Core price of your gym is £20.99, you can use all gyms at that price or less. Find a list of gyms in the app or visit the members' area.

Book classes 14 days in advance

Book up to 8 of your favourite classes before anyone else with 14 day advanced booking.

Bring a guest 4 times a month

Add a guest to your membership so they can join you up to 4 times a month.

Bigger discounts on brands

As a Plus member, you get bigger discounts on brands. See all deals in the app or use the members' area.

Freeze your membership any time

Freeze your membership at least 4 days before your next payment date for up to 3 months. You can freeze your membership using the members' area or use the app.

Additional benefits are available at selected gyms

Compare PLUS benefits against other membership options


What does freezing membership mean?

If you’re going away or won’t be able to use your membership for a certain period of time, you can freeze your membership temporarily to avoid paying the full membership fee. It also means you will be able to keep your current price and pick up just where you left off.

At PureGym we allow our monthly membership customers to apply a freeze for up to three months at just £5.99 a month. Freezing and unfreezing can be done once you’ve logged in to your Member's Area. If you have an Extra membership you can freeze for free.

Can I access more than one club?

Yes. For a small supplement to your standard membership you’ll be able to gain access to any gym of the same price or lower than your home gym.

If you’d like to add this option just select the box for multiple gym access in the joining process and select the other gym you'd like to use. This will pull up a list of all the different gyms you’ll be able to access. We also offer access to ALL our clubs without limitation for £52.99 per month.

If you already have a monthly membership, you can upgrade to any of these options in your online Member's Area.

How does the 'bring a friend' feature work?

All you have to do is log in to your Member's Area, select the ‘Profile’ tab and follow the link to send details to your friend. They’ll then be able to use their PIN to book into classes and train with you in your home gym for free up to four times a month.

What are Bolt Ons?

These are add on features and benefits you can buy to give your membership more flexibility. You can set these up or remove them online after you’ve logged in to the Member's Area. Check out the Bolt-On page for more details.