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Gye Grauzinis


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Gye Grauzinis

"Once the mind is in the right place, the body will follow. No matter how big or small your goal, I will help you fall in love with the journey to reaching it.

I am a competitive bodybuilder, constantly on my own never-ending fitness journey. Mentored by some of the greatest coaches in the world, I have been sharing that knowledge with clients since 2017.

I have assisted hundreds of people in achieving their fitness goals, transforming fitness into a fundamental part of their lifestyle. Here's what my clients have to say about me:
'He genuinely cares about his clients and is dedicated to helping them reach their goals, change their lifestyle, enjoy the gym, establish a routine, and structure their workouts. I've had personal trainers in the past, but he's my favourite. I would definitely recommend him.' - Anita, 29

'The most important things I learned were to trust the process which is backed by science, correct techniques for lifting along with the knowledge of the right diet. I was lucky my PT was definitely the best PT I have ever had. I am not just saying that.’ - Ash, 48

'Gye is more than just a fitness trainer. He has supported me during challenging times in my personal life as well as in the gym. He pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of, motivated me when I needed that extra push, held me accountable, and overall, he's been an incredible coach.' - Yazmin, 21

If you're searching for someone who can help you maximise your training and nutrition, all while providing support during life's ups and downs, look no further. Let's arrange a free consultation today!

Specialist Areas

  • Weight loss
  • Muscle tone and development
  • Body confidence


  • Level 2 – Gym instructor
  • Level 3 – Personal Trainer