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Hakim  Vakili


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Hakim Vakili

Hi there - my name is Hakim and I have been training in the gym for over six years. During this time, I have experimented with my own physique to pinpoint what works and what does not. This has varied from losing or gaining weight, increasing muscle mass and improving my conditioning. Using this knowledge and experience I can cater to a wide range of fitness goals and understand exactly what is required to achieve those goals.

As a Personal Trainer, I like to offer more than just workout sessions - I intend to research into the latest journals, articles and university studies to share the science behind why we do certain things in a particular way. As a result, we will have access to the best training methods available, unique and detailed workout plans exactly catered for you and most importantly a personalised nutritional plan.

My aim with each client is to understand their fitness goals and take them on a journey to unlocking their potential and being the best version of themselves.

Specialist Areas

  • Boxing
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle tone and development
  • Body confidence


  • Level 3 Personal Training