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Lauren Smith

My ethos is to change the perspective of fitness from training for pure aesthetics, to training for the way it makes you feel and in a way that’s sustainable to take into the rest of your life.


Being from a dance background and training 12 hours a day within the performing industry, I understand what it’s like to constantly compare myself to other people, miss out on social occasions due to my ‘diet’ and count every single calorie. I want you to remember that the aim of fitness and healthy living is to not always be on a ‘diet’ or have the mindset of ‘I’ll just start again on Monday’ after bingeing at the weekend. You don’t have to sacrifice the other parts of your life which also hold importance- having a glass of wine and a laugh with your friends on a weekend is good for the soul too right?


You can create a balanced and healthy lifestyle, look and feel amazing whilst having fun and not taking life too seriously. Taking it slower and developing those healthier habits in a more gradual and controlled way will more likely allow you to cut the quick fixes once and for all in order for you to be your happiest, fittest and strongest self without compromising the actual life you’re meant to be living!!


It takes an average of 66 days to form a habit so why not start now? How different could your life look in just 66 days? I can help you form these habits by providing you with structure to your workouts- planned around your lifestyle whilst keeping you accountable, in depth nutritional guidance and ongoing support to enable you to achieve your goals.


I want YOU to see the bigger picture of fitness and integrate it into YOUR lifestyle in a way which YOU enjoy. Let’s try focus on what our bodies can achieve and see what results may follow…

Specialist Areas

  • Persistent motivation
  • Weight loss
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Muscle tone and development
  • Body fat reduction
  • Body confidence


Level 3 Gym Instructor & Personal Trainer Practitioner Diploma

Level 6 Diploma in Dance