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Sam Hilton

Hi I'm Sam.

I’ve been full-time coaching since 2015. I specialize (but not limited too) fat loss, muscular tone and confidence in females. I’ve found the most effective and fun way to achieve your results is through having strength and performance related goals. Achieving physical milestones in your training is also a huge confidence booster which reflects how you feel in and outside of the gym. I have helped tons of young ladies in there 20’s & 30’s transform into confident women. And that… is one of the most rewarding aspects of what I do.

I was late to the fitness industry not discovering the gym until my mid 20’s. I’m also a father so I totally understand the barriers most of us have with ‘TIME’ being a big one! That is why I believe the gym must work around your other commitments. I can also tell you that I became fitter and stronger in my 30’s than I was at 25. Its just about adapting your lifestyle and the way you train. Train smart!

I have a big understanding of the way the body works mechanically. I work with some disabled clients to improve quality of life, and this is why I’ve been head hunted by the FA for my work with their para department improving strength and speed. So, my experience as a PT has given me a lot of knowledge.

Specialist Areas

  • Sport specific training
  • Muscle tone and development
  • Injury prevention and rehabilitation


  • Regional Physical coach for England CP (Cerebral Palsy)
  • Toning & Confidence through strength training in females
  • Rehabilitation experience. Eliminating aches and pains through exercise